Technology – The #1 Pain In Your Neck.

Technology has done amazing things for the world. Information is available at the touch of a button. We can communicate ‘face to face’ with someone across the world and the possibilities seem endless. However, what is happening to our physical body with all the time spent staring at our various devices? We have created an

A Carrot, Egg, or Coffee Bean?

A young woman went to her mother & told her about her life & how things were so hard for her. She did not know how she was going to make it & wanted to give up. She was tired of fighting & struggling, she was exhausted. It seemed that as one problem was solved

A Quick Fix For Slumped Posture.

What do you notice when you look around at other drivers as you commute to work? They are often hunched forward with their shoulders up, almost leaning over their steering wheel, with their head forward in front of their body. We call this type of posture ‘forward head posture’ or ‘anterior head carriage’ and this

The Way You Breathe is Affecting Your Health!

We take breathing for granted. Our body does it every 5 seconds . . . in . . . and out . . . whether we are awake or asleep. We were born to breathe – but somewhere along the way we stopped breathing like a baby! Using the diaphragm to breathe – stomach breathing